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Jupiter 5.0 Release Announcement

We are very pleased to announce you that our new version Jupiter 5.0 has been released.









Jupiter V5.0 is a Pre/Post integrated software in which the Post functionalities are developed into the Jupiter-Pre platform .

There are more than 130 new features and improvements have been added reflecting the customer requests .


In addition, various performances such as geometry, meshing and solver interfaces have also been improved, especially the addition of PSJ (Python Scripting in Jupiter) for Jupiter functions (Post function support).


■ About Pre/Post integration in Jupiter 5.0

  • The Post function has been integrated into the Jupiter-Pre platform in consideration of the unified operation with Pre, further performance improvement, support for Python API and macros, and high maintainability for customer requests.
  • To use the Jupiter 5.0 Post features, you need a license (free-of-charge) to enable the Jupiter 5.0 Post features in addition to the traditional Post license . Our sales representative will contact you regarding to this license.
  • For other details, we will contact you by e-mail announcement and the person in charge.


For inquiries about this product, please contact our sales staff, technical staff, or support desk.


■ TEL (Technical Support): 03-6434-9578

■ E-mail (Technical Support): support@e-technostar.com